High Alumina Refractory Bricks for sale in Rongsheng Manufacturer is a kind of common used refractory bricks that can be used for all kinds of furnaces and kilns with various features of good thermal shock resistance, high temperature application, slag erosion resistance and so on.

Description for High Alumina Refractory Bricks
Cheap High Alumina Refractory Bricks, a kind of alumina-silicate refractory with more than 48% alumina content, is manufactured with bauxite or other raw materials with higher alumina content through molding and firing. High Alumina Bricks have excellent properties of high thermal stability and good slag erosion resistance. Its refractoriness is over 1770℃.
High Alumina Refractory Bricks Properties
- Resistance to spalling and Erosion, high refractoriness under road and good thermal shock resistance
- One of the most important working properties is the structure strength in the high temperature, which generally is evaluated by load softening deformation temperature and high temperature creep. The testing result shows that refractoriness under load will increase along with the increase of Al2O3 content.
- Refractoriness under load of High Alumina Refractory Bricks with less than 70% Al2O3 content depends on the quantitative proportion of crystal phase and liquid phase of mullite and will enhance along with the quantity increase of mullite. Quality and properties of liquid have obvious influence on refractoriness under load. Thus lowering the impurity content of raw material will improve refractoriness under load and high temperature creep.

Manufacturing Process of High Alumina Refractory Bricks
- High Alumina Refractory Bricks have the similar manufacturing process with fire clay bricks. Just some technological parameters are different. The process is grinding, mixing, molding, drying, firing, testing and packaging.
- High alumina refractory bricks perform higher pressure stress in the low temperature, but lower pressure stress in the high temperature. The proportion of clinker can reach up to more than 90%. Clinker before breaking needs to go through selecting and deironing in the higher temperature.
- The production practice shows that select and grade alumina clinker before breaking and fine grinding methods, which can improve the quality of high alumina refractory bricks.
Application of High Alumina Refractory Bricks
It is mainly used to build blast furnace, hot blast stove, electric furnace top, air furnace, rotary kiln lining. Besides, High Alumina Refractory Bricks also can be used as checker brick of heat accumulating type for open hearth furnace, chock plug for pouring system and nozzle brick.
Adoption for Raw Materials of High Alumina Refractory Bricks
- High Alumina Refractory Bricks can be used to build linings of steelmaking furnace, glass furnace and cement rotary kiln with
High Alumina Bricks In Rongsheng good slag erosion resistance. So how to choose the raw materials for High Alumina Refractory Bricks that has been important for prolonging its service life.
- According to the different resource condition and products requirement, adopt the following several types of raw materials: bauxite chamotte (monohydrate bauxite ore, gibbsite), sillimanite mineral (kyanite, andalusite and sillimanite), artificially synthesized materials (commercial alumina, synthetic mullite and fused alumina).
- There are abundant quality resources of bauxite in China, which provide resource advantage for Rongsheng Refractory Factory. Rongsheng adopts quality raw materials to manufacture High Alumina Refractory Bricks. Contact us for the favorable price!